A Study of Startup Ecosystem
Rakshanda Dhanda
Entrepreneurship, Finance, StartupAbstract
From the study it has been found that ecosystem play key role in the growth of Startups. When Startup India initiative 2016 was not launched, startups faced many barriers related to documentation and other formalities but with launch of that there was sharp increase in number of Startups. Earlier only few States were providing supportive ecosystem for startups but when Government gave emphasis and introduced policies and programs it has improved the situation for Startups. To make ecosystem for startups vibrant, components making ecosystem need to be improved like Infrastructure, regulatory framework, funding and finance, technical personnel, mentors, advisors, local and global markets. From 2014 to today, improvement has been made in each component from setting up Startup India Hub to Rolling out of mobile app and portal, providing tax exemption to startups for 3 years, discount on patent fee and fast track patent animation, tax exemptions are provided on capital gains which will boost the investment from investors, to provide for funding needs of Startups. A corpus of Rs. 10,000crore funds of funds was created, and many more initiatives and programs were included to make Startup India a success. Thus, Startup ecosystem has improved over years and provide a scope of growth and easy entry to new Startups.