of IMS Group2025-02-18T08:30:14+00:00IMS Journal Systems<h2>AIM1</h2> <p class="text-justify">The publishes two issues for the months: January-June, and July-December every year by IMS. It is a blind and peer-reviewed journal.</p> <p class="text-justify">The aims to publish scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles, which have a high impact on the management field as a whole. The journal ensures to impart a platform for publishing results and research with a vital empirical component. It also creates a bridge for the significant gap between research and practice by promoting original, novel, industry-relevant research within the scope and beyond.</p> <h2>SCOPE</h2> <p>The covers all topics under the Core Management Science. Specifically, IIMS-JMS publishes innovative empirical and conceptual articles, which advance knowledge of management and organization broadly defined, in such fields but not limited to:</p> <ul class="scope-list"> <li>Digital Business Transformations</li> <li>Industry 4.0 and Sustainability</li> <li>Net-zero economy</li> <li>Economics and Public Policy</li> <li>Data Science, Marketing Management</li> <li>Operations and Quantitative Techniques</li> <li>Information Systems</li> <li>Finance and Accounting</li> <li>Organizational Behaviour</li> <li>Human Resources and Communication</li> <li>Sustainability</li> <li>Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics</li> <li>Strategic Management</li> <li>Entrepreneurship</li> <li>Research Methods</li> <li>Humanity</li> </ul> Achieving Excellence in Managemnt & IT2025-02-18T08:30:14+00:00<p>Ourstudy aims to analyse the impact by protability, asset size, growth, leverage and liquidity on the capital structure of a firm. To empirically examine the impact, top 5 leading automobile companies listed on NSE/BSE. To analyse the impact, study has applied ordinary least square (OLS) regression to evaluate the impact of identified variables on capital structure of selected Financial variables. The models are diagnosed for autocorrelation, multicollinearity, homogeneity and normality of standard residuals. The selected companies showed that theirexplanatory variables are explaining the variances of dependent variables above 80 percent and the model were significant at 5 percent level of significance using F test. For M&M, the variables NP/TA, Gro and LIQ have positive relation whereas LN-TA has negative relation dependent variables. All variable, except Gro have significant relation with capital structure. For Force Mo, the variables NP/TA, Gro, NDTS have positive relation whereas LN-TA and LIQ have negative relation dependent variables. All variables had insignificant relation with capital structure.</p>2025-02-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of IMS Group ANALYTICAL STUDY ON ASSESSING THE ROLE OF FINTECH TOWARDS ENHANCING FINANCIAL INCLUSION OF WOMEN2024-11-06T08:00:54+00:00<p>Fintech or Fnancial technology refers to the recently emerged new technology-based innovations for successful deliverance of Fnancial products and services to the individuals. Fintech has been considered of utmost importance in improving access, usage & quality dimensions of Fnancial inclusion. Today India's Fnancial market has been ooded with easy technology based Fnancial solutions meant to create digitally empowered societies thereby ensuring inclusive& sustainable economic growth. This research article has been a modest attempt by the researcherto uncoverthe role of Fintech in improving financial inclusion of women through removal of existing barriers and impediments which act as roadblocks for ensuring their better inclusion into the Fnancial mainstream. The data for the present study is compiled from existing literature, websites of government and non-government agencies, newspapers and articles. The results from this study that Fintech has had farreaching implications forwomen in terms of ensuring theirinclusion into the Fnancial system. However, there are certain constraints which limit women's willingness & ability to avail full beneft of Fnancial offerings which can be addressed through effective government backed support systems.</p>2024-11-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IMS Group the Factors Affecting Crypto Currency Investment in the Indian Market2024-11-06T07:41:15+00:00<p>The rise of cryptocurrency investment has garnered signifcant attention in the global fnancial system. Presently, India is placing great emphasis on developing the country's digital infrastructure in terms of usability, interoperability and accessibility. However, the acceptance, application and coverage of cryptocurrency remain a notable gap in the research. This study endeavours to address this gap by exploring the level of awareness and investment in cryptocurrency trading among the general public in India. Additionally, the study seeks to develop a comprehensive understanding of the factors that motivate and demotivate investors from engaging in cryptocurrency investments. Various factors were identifed through a review of extant literature, and based on those factors, a structured questionnaire was then employed to gather data from 512 respondents. Descriptive-analytical techniques and statistical methods were used to analyze the results. The fndings reveal that most respondents (89.84%) are aware of cryptocurrency; however, only 20.43 percent of respondents who are aware of cryptocurrency invest in it. Moreover, the results indicate factors such as lack of understanding about investing in cryptocurrency, lack of confdence to use cryptocurrency, risk of cyber fraud, absence of proper guidance/instructions, and lack of regulation discourage an investor from investing in cryptocurrency. On the other hand, factors such as good returns, ease of management, easy set- up, and a user-friendly experience encourage investors. The study suggests that creating online courses on cryptocurrency investing can improve fnancial literacy among potential investors. Policymakers should establish transparent legal and regulatory measures to mitigate risks to the fnancial system. Additionally, government stimulus measures may increase cryptocurrency investment.</p>2024-11-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IMS Group Insight into the Computation of Performance Metrics and Ranking of Mutual Funds with Respect to An Indian Small Cap Equity Scheme2024-11-06T07:50:21+00:00<p>For the last two decades the topic performance evaluation of mutual funds has taken much of time of researchers. Based on commonly used metrics the performance evaluation has been done. Several researchers have tried to analyse the performance of mutual fund schemes by using above commonly used parameters. But in most of these studies analyses have been using already computed secondary data. Computation procedures have been ignored. The present study is aimed at fulflling this gap. In this paper efforts are there to give an insight to the computation procedure of rating methodology that are being applied widely.</p>2024-11-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IMS Group STUDY ON ACADEMIC STRESS AMONG MANAGEMENT STUDENTS2024-11-06T07:22:36+00:00<p>The present study is survey in nature. The following were the objectives of the study (1) To construct the Academic Stress Rating Scale (ASRS), (2) To and out signifcant difference between the boys and girls Students of Management with referenced to Academic Stress and (3) To and out signifcant difference between theprivate and government Students of Management with referenced to Academic Stress. The population used forthe study comprised all the Students of BBAin Rajkot city. The investigator was purposively selected 250Students of BBA in Rajkot city in which 125 boys and 125 girl's students of government as well as privet BBA colleges in Rajkot city. Survey type research method was used. In the present study the investigator in order to trace out in Academic Stress by Academic Stress Rating Scale (ASRS) was prepared by investigator himself. To and out signifcant of difference between scores on Academic Stress by Academic Stress Rating Scale (ASRS) of two groups, statistical technique t-test was used with respect to genderand types of colleges. Forthat M and SD of Academic Stress by Academic Stress Rating Scale (ASRS) of both groups were calculated. The study revealed that (1) The boy's college Students of BBAshould show more effective than those the girls Students of BBAwith referenced to Academic Stress and (2) The private college Students of BBA should show more effective than those the government Students of BBAwith referenced to Academic Stress.</p>2024-11-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of IMS Group